Bonjour! Salut! Hola! Bienvenido!
My Sister Dear suggested a few months ago that I start a blog, not really with the intention of comments and discussion but rather for a place to write in Spanish and French. The idea didn't sound all that great then, but the more I've thought about it, the more fun it sounds. So, that's what this blog is going to be - random writings in Spanish and French by me as I have time to write them! I really don't know exactly the direction this will take - I may post fairly often or not, I may mostly post about my life or I may not. But, whatever I post about and however often, my plan is to do it in French or Spanish! This is hopefully going to be pretty much the only post in English!
If anyone does happen to read my blog (I haven't heard of any clamor for French and Spanish writing in the blog-o-sphere, but who knows...), I welcome comments and discussion, and
please correct me if you see errors!! If you're learning either language like me and want advice of some sort or useful resources, I'd be happy to tell you what I know. Or please give me any bits of input or advice that you think helpful.
The focus of this blog is of course on French and Spanish, but I also want to have a sort of global focus as well and maybe talk about what's happening to Christians in different parts of the world or about other cultures. I also love all languages and linguistics and the like and wish I knew about 20 languages (my brain can only hold so much sadly), so I might broaden from Spanish and French every now and then to just interesting info about languages and/or linguistics in general. I suppose those posts might turn English, but hopefully not. :-)
Okay, well, I think that's a good introduction. Especially as the semester is winding down and finals are coming up, I really don't know how much I'll be able to write. We'll see...
De nouveau, je vous dis bienvenu!